Blarney Stone Acres (BSA) is home to world class Gypsy Horses.
Why are BSA Gypsy Horses world-class

We've made many trips overseas and collected DNA that was contributed to the US data base, and recorded the history of the Romany families who have bred Gypsy Horses for generations.
BSA horses are consistently winning in the all-breed show ring excelling in dressage, jumping, driving, Western and English pleasure classes. Showing under all breed judges, BSA horses are "always in the ribbons" competing against winning quarter horses, saddlebreds, Arabians, thoroughbreds, and many other Gypsy Horses. We have done extensive research on the nutritional needs of the Gypsy Horse and implemented an outstanding feeding program.
We have a long term consistent breeding program that reflects strong proven genetics. BSA stallions and mares come from legendary foundation stock. Blarney Stone Acres is home to the legendary Teddy Mare. Teddy, imported from England, is the oldest living Gypsy Horse mare in the United States. She is recognized by Romany breeders as one of the most important foundation mares in the history of the breed. She has produced outstanding offspring and many still live at BSA. Teddy is the foundation of the foundation stock recognized in the world today.
Our stallions and mares carry the back breeding of the beginning of the Gypsy Horse: Watson's Old Horse, the Frainy Stallion, and The Lob. Also included are McCann, Conners, and Pratt bloodlines. These are lines bred from the families that created the breed.
We have done extensive research on the nutritional needs of the Gypsy Horse and implement an outstanding feeding program.
Blarney Stone Acres is an ambassador of the breed. BSA horses introduced the Gypsy Horse to the world at the World Equestrian Games, the world's largest equine event. BSA makes appearances at Equine Affaires, state fairs, parades and other public venues. Owner Lise McNamara is an author, presenter and recognized leading authority on the Gypsy Horse breed. She continues to work with veterinarians and university equine specialists to further advance the health and well-being of the Gypsy Horse and to assist the owners of this wonderful breed.
For additional information, please contact Lise McNamara at INFO@BLARNEYSTONEACRES.COM.